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Fishbone Case for iPhone 4

These might look familiar to those of your who had or still have an iPhone 3G/S. These are called the Fishbone cases and they are made for the iPhone 4. They look very similar if not exactly like SwitchEasy's CapsuleRebel M case that SwitchEasy does not make for the iPhone 4 but instead a differently designed CapsuleRebel. If you really like the older style Fishbone looking spine, these Fishbone cases for the iPhone 4 can be found on BudgetGadgets for a mere $2 each. Catch the full review right after the break.

While these Fishbone cases carry no brand name, they are actually very decent cases and for their price they are really worth a look especially if you're into their design. The Fishbone case is sort of a hybrid case and has two parts to it. The hard spine and the soft TPU material that incases the iPhone 4. The quality isn't what you would expect from the more known SwitchEasy cases being that these have a thinner more flexible spine. The Fishbone is very form fitting and has no play what so ever because of how well the spine holds everything together. 

These cases feel good in the hand and give you a nice amount of grip while not feeling slippery like the CapsuleRebel surprisingly. You've got a very generous lay-on-the-table designed lip overlay so your screen is nicely protected. I did run into trouble with the sleep/wake button as it's very hard to press and has no tactile feedback. The volume buttons however are easy to press and the silent switch cutout is very small. Using the camera with the LED flash isn't possible because the case will color your image red or white if you're using the white case. Don't expect a high quality case at this price.

You can easily change up the spine to get a different look each time and for the price of $2, getting two cases would be a better choice. Overall the Fishbone cases for the iPhone 4 are not bad but definitely have a few downsides. Price $2. Use coupon code "Gadgetmac5off" to get 5% off.