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The Lucky Labs Spectra Wrap for iPhone 4

The Lucky Labs Spectra Wrap are a great way to quickly customize your iPhone 4 while also getting rid of any antenna issues you might have. The Spectra Wrap is basically a simple vinyl decal that you put on your iPhone 4's metal band, you even get an Apple logo decal. Applying and re-applying is very easy and there are perfectly cut cutouts for all the ports and buttons. There are so many colors to choose from so you can really be creative and get the colors you like on your iPhone 4. More after the break.

When you order from The Lucky Labs, you will get a set of three Spectra Wrap decals of your color choice for $9.99 which isn't a bad deal at all. Once you put on the Spectra Wrap decals they won't just fall off by themselves. You can choose three different colors, from glossy, matte and even without a sim cutout. I highly recommend getting the Spectra Wrap if you don't use a case with your iPhone 4. Price $9.99.