Sony Delays PS Vita Launch In The US & Europe

Some disappointing news for American and European consumers today, Sony's Kazuo Hirai has confirmed the delay in the release of the PS Vita portable gaming console that was said to be released later this year, will be pushed back for an early 2012 release in the US and Europe. Japan on the other hand, will enjoy the PS Vita before Christmas pulls in this year. Seems only fair. The PS Vita will be available at aggressive price points starting with a WiFi-only model for $249, and a WiFi + 3G model for $299.


Nir Schneider


Apple Facing iPod Battery Shortages

Since the Earth Quake and Tsunami in Japan, it looks like Apple might have a iPod battery shortage on hand. The company that helps provided parts to manufacture the lithium-ion batteries 'Kureha Corp', whom produces the binding part of the battery has been closed since the quake hit. There are unsure when they will re-open. Apple won't be the only company that is facing the shortage, since Kureha has a 70% market share for this particular polymer alone. We will see what happens with this.


New Silver PS3 Slim, It's Big In Japan

Oh so Sony is Japanse. That might be the reason why Japan gets all the cool PS3 colors while the rest of the world is behind with the boring black colored PS3 and PS3 Slim. Sony announced today that a new satin silver PS3 Slim model will be available in two flavors of 120GB and 320GB and it slated to be released in Japan on March 10. I'll stick to sticking skins on my slim for now.


Nir Schneider
