Put A Leather Slipper On Your iMac

Hard Graft's totally pointless conversation starter called the iMac Slipper is purely for decoration. There really isn't any need to get your iMac a leather slipper like this one, but hey, who am I to tell you what to do right? If you fancy this piece of leather, it will cost you €29.00 (that's about $42). The iMac Slipper is handmade using Italian vegetable tanned leather and German premium wool, and will fit both the 24" and 27" iMac as well as the current Apple Cinema Display. Feeling cosy now, iMac?


Nir Schneider


Apple Store Goes Down...


Yesterdays prediction about new Mac Pros and iMacs seem to have come true. As if you pop over to the Apple Store right now there is the usual "Updating Store" notice which leads me to believe that they are going to update the long overdue desktop Macs. Along with the update for the desktop Macs, there were also rumours about a 27" Cinema Display to accompany the new Mac Pro. So what do you think they will launch, but by the time you are reading this, they may already have...

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