Foxjail Minimalism / Simple Block Diary iPhone 5 Cases Review
/Just as we got done reviewing the card holding, wallet style Spigen Ultra Flip case, we were sent out a few more wallet style cases to dive right into. Hailing out of Seoul, Korea, Foxjail brings a few different styles to the table. First we have the Minimalism which features a two card pocket, standing function, and cash storage pocket. Coming in slightly thinner is the Simple Block Diary which carries the same card storage pocket but doesn’t have the stand feature. Foxtail was very generous sending us a bunch out so let’s check out the colors, features and impressions of these flip-style cases!
When a shipping box filled with cases shows up at your doorstep it gets a little exciting. Well after ripping open the box, that poor box, I was blessed with multiple cases in multiple colors. The packaging wasn’t too spectacular or breathtaking by any means. So my first impressions going in wasn’t very compelling that’s for sure. However there would be tons of trashy garbage cases out there if we based them on just the packaging. Both cases felt like they had decent construction and well-crafted cutouts worthy enough to abuse for a few weeks and test out.
Being someone who really doesn’t go for the wallet style case, this was going to be difficult to test drive for a few weeks. We are going to be checking out the Minimalism case first, then the Simple Block Diary, and at the end of the review give you a breakdown of the two cases side by side.
The synthetic leather of the Minimalism case felt very stiff in the hand at first and much bulkier than the Ultra Flip we just reviewed, but it had the stand function I was eager to check out. Stitching and the micro fiber used on the inside of the case was superbly done and undoubtedly worth mentioning. The inside on the case features a shiny mirrored snap case that is half glued to the backing of the case. Having it half glued enabled the case to be used in stand mode. The iPhone snaps in flawlessly and surprisingly didn’t feel to heavy to lug around town.
Once the phone is placed into the case it instantly changed my negative view of the wallet case. It felt solid in the hand and it had a stylish trendy feel to it. As with most snap style cases, the volume button area cutout was spot on and a breeze to use. The inside of the case features an area for 2 cards and possibly a few money bills. This is where it got a little frustrating. As you can see from the picture, the case does not close at all, even with 2 cards inside. After a few weeks of testing, the synthetic leather never did loosen up and felt like I needed to find a rubber band just to close the case.
On a positive note, I was quite impressed with the camera cutout area. It was effortless flipping the cover open and snapping quick pics in any indoor/outdoor atmosphere. But what's that crease down the backside of the case?
The crease on the back is purposely there so you can flip open the case to watch videos or browse the web in landscape. This was the feature I was excited about testing when I first received the cases. Since the case material is very stiff, I wasn't expecting this feature to hold its position. Well, I was wrong. The viewing angle can be adjusted as needed and I was astonished to see I didn’t have to adjust the case ever.
Next we are taking a look at the other line of cases from Foxjail, the Simple Block Diary. This wallet case keeps the same simple and modern design, but loses the folding stand feature of the Minimalism. Even with the stand mode not present with this case, it comes in a slimmer profile. Guess we are taking the good with the bad on this one. The SBD case loses the synthetic leather for some sort of weatherproofing material. It is definitely a material I wasn’t too familiar with, but it was quite splendid.
Like the Minimalism, the SBD has the same two card slot feature and a simple snap style case in the inside. With the material not being as rigid, the SBD closed much better and felt great in the hand. I also felt more comfortable pocketing this case just for the simple fact it was slimmer and more streamlined.
In conclusion, both Foxjail wallet cases had their pros and cons. I enjoyed the stand function of the Minimalism case but couldn’t stand the fact the synthetic leather never loosened and felt too bulky in the hand. I then turned to the SBD case which was slimmer, but was missing the cash slot and stand function. As we know, there is no perfect case and these two would come down to personal preference. If I had to choose between the two cases, I’d choose the SBD for the slim design and the fact the case actually closed properly. Both cases come in multiple colors but there is no sign of pricing on the companies website. Check out the Foxjail website for more info because they also make these and other cases for the Galaxy Note 2 and iPad mini.