AM Mist + Spray Screen Cleaning Blocks Review

AM Mist + Spray Screen Cleaning Blocks Review

AM is responsible for some of the world's most innovative cleaning products designed exclusively for cleaning filthy gadget screen. We were never as excited about screen cleaning as we are now. Although you may not have heard about them, AM has been around for decades making cleaning products for record and cassette players. The company resurfaced late this year with a brand new line of colorfully fun and unique cleaning products suited for today's tech lifestyles. AM has quite a few options for laptop, tablet, smartphone, desktop, keyboard users and even TV viewers, but one screen cleaner immediately stood out to us.

We've got our hands on the Spray and Mist, AM's mystical all-in-one solution for eliminating all that "schmutz" on your touchscreen devices whilst sanitizing them too. With a bit of Apple and Danish thrown in, AM's all-in-one cleaners are appealing enough to wet our taste buds. So be sure to jump over the break for the full review where we put the Spray and Mist to the ultimate test of cleaning our gadgets to a squeaky clean finish.

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