Power Support Flat Bumper for iPhone 5 Review
/We've always taken Power Support to be the premier maker of screen protectors for all types of Apple devices. It's no doubt they were the best at what they did up until glass screen protectors caught on. Not leaving behind its legacy of screen protection films, the Japanese accessory maker branched out to create some really thin cases for the iPhone, namely the Air Jacket case. But. Somewhere over the Pacific Ocean, on a big island lies Power Support's elusive Flat Bumper for the iPhone 5. Like a rare Pokemon, it can only be found in Japan. And just when we thought that we had found the ultimate iPhone 5 bumper, an even better (arguably) substitute comes along. Power Support's Flat Bumper is a minimalist, ultra-thin bumper case that literally redefines how the bumper cases we've all come to know, are designed. Be sure to follow our review after the break!