Griffin's Woogie 2 Plush Case Kid-Proofs Your iPhone & iPod Touch With Fluffiness

When was the last time your kids recklessly threw around your beloved iPhone? That's fine because there's nothing you can do about it. Or you can check out what Griffin now has to offer. Griffin's new plush protective case isn't only compatible with all iPhones, but also with all the iPod Touch models as well. The creation is called the Woogie 2. It's a protective case that will keep your iDevice safe from the wrath of children, but it also serves as a fun fuzzy and loveable toy your little kids will love to use. A built-in touch-through, plastic clear window pocket keeps the multi-touch screen clean and scratch-free while an opening allows you to plug in headphones. The Woogie 2 is available now in pink and blue for $19.99. 

Nir Schneider


Speck Debuts iGuy Standing Cover For iPad & iPad 2

Speck's adorable iGuy is a freestanding foam case for both the iPad and iPad 2 and is extremely protective. The iGuy looks like a fun toy for the kids to play and interact with. Even grownups won't help but want to play with it. This kid-friendly and lightweight stand-case for the iPad and iPad 2 alike, is available in orange and green for $39.95. The inner child in me wants to order 2 please.

Nir Schneider
