Loop Attachment Mummy Case for iPhone 4/S Review

You would be hard pressed to find people with wads of cash in their pockets nowadays in a time when the almighty credit card has taken control of our wallet space. We might not have stacks of our favorite Franklin, but what we do have is a collection of credit cards at our disposal. Carrying around everything inside your wallet can be a hassle sometimes, especially when you're just taking a stroll down to the local Starbucks or just the gym for a quick workout. All you'll need is a credit card or a gym membership, why should you have to bring everything else with you? Loop Attachment has given this some thought and came up the Mummy, a brilliant and convenient idea that combines an iPhone case and a wallet together. Skip on down past the break to check out how we "wrapped" this mummy up!

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FlipsideKick Add-On for Flipside 2X Wallet Review

Flipside has changed the way we look at wallets, at least that has been the case for me personally. After having reviewed the Flipside 2X wallet, it has immediately become my favorite every day wallet that has perfectly suited my every need. Although Flipside's hard shell capsule of a wallet has its limitations like any other wallet, Flipside has only recently created the FlipsideKick made to hitch a ride on the back of your Flipside 2X wallet to provide you with some additional storage power. In many way it's an expansion pack, only it's for a wallet. Are you in need for some card boosting? Head past the break for the full review!

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