Loop Attachment Mummy Case for iPhone 4/S Review

You would be hard pressed to find people with wads of cash in their pockets nowadays in a time when the almighty credit card has taken control of our wallet space. We might not have stacks of our favorite Franklin, but what we do have is a collection of credit cards at our disposal. Carrying around everything inside your wallet can be a hassle sometimes, especially when you're just taking a stroll down to the local Starbucks or just the gym for a quick workout. All you'll need is a credit card or a gym membership, why should you have to bring everything else with you? Loop Attachment has given this some thought and came up the Mummy, a brilliant and convenient idea that combines an iPhone case and a wallet together. Skip on down past the break to check out how we "wrapped" this mummy up!

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Esoterism Moat 4 Aluminum Bumper Case for iPhone 4S Review

There are many fantastic cases that protect your iPhone from dents and scratches, but a major flaw with most of those cases is the fact that they engulf your beautiful device in some form of material that detracts from the very reason why the iPhone caught your attention in the first place -- the aesthetics. Esoterism's Moat 4 brings protection in the form of an aluminum casing that shows off the front and back of the glorious mobile device while protecting it from any mishaps throughout the day. Check out the whole review after the cut!

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Atomic Hybrid C Aluminum Bumper Case for iPhone 4S Review

Many great iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S aluminum bumper-style cases have come out over the past year, and we've had the chance to review many of those. Some were really fantasic, and some weren't all that good. Atomic isn't a new kid on the block, but it managed to become a known name when it comes to aluminum cases. Atomic's most notable bumper is the Hybrid C, also known as Hybrid Composite. Fitting both the iPhone 4S and iPhone 4, the Hybrid C is none other than a hybrid of aluminum and composite to bring you the best of both worlds without risking reception. All that's great, but just how well the Hybrid C compares when put against other hybrid rivals? It's the battle of the hybrids, may the best hybrid aluminum bumper win a place on your iPhone right after the jump!

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LifeProof Gen 2 Waterproof iPhone 4S Case Review

Arguably one of the most incredible cases we've ever reviewed was the LifeProof case for the iPhone 4. Why? Simple really, its waterproof capabilities, drop, dirt and dust (triple Ds in your face) protectiveness are an essential part of what most if not all iPhone users look for. In fact, the LifeProof case is so amazing that it'll blow you away with how well it performs while remaining so slim. Now that time has splashed by, LifeProof has made a few changes and has released the second generation of the LifeProof case. We thought we would have a look at the LifeProof Gen 2 ourselves to see what has changed and if for the better. So be sure to jump past the wave for the full review!

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SwitchEasy Melt Case for iPhone 4S Review

Slider style iPhone cases (most known to have started by Incase) have seen many different types of changes throughout recent years, but let SwitchEasy take a stab at creating its very first slider case and the end result is out of this world. SwitchEasy is notoriously known for its innovative, out-of-the-box way of thinking when it comes to iPhone cases such as the CapsuleRebel series. This time we've got our hands on the latest, and it's called the Melt case. A dripping, melting, visually catching case that won't cause a mess on the carpet. We've got all the melting colors and can't wait to show them to you so jump past the break for the full review of the Melt case!

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ICEM Design Aura & Aura Pro Aluminum iPhone 4S Case Review

With so many different styles of cases on the market for the iPhone, it seems like even aluminum bumpers are starting to become a dime a dozen. ICEM Design hopes to stand out of the crowd with their new Aura and Aura Pro line of cases with a new design that requires to screws in its assembly. Its got a unique design and form factor, but is the product itself any good? 

Read on after the jump to find out.

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Element Case Vapor Comp Aluminum Bumper for iPhone 4S Review

Going back to where it all began, Element Case was always known for manufacturing truly unique cases for the iPhone and really has lead the way to what aluminum cases are today with the evolution of the Vapor. Thanks for the folks over at TekCases, we can finally put the Vapor Comp - currently one of the hottest aluminum bumpers - thru its paces and say that we've almost reviewed every single aluminum bumper cases out there worthy of incasing the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S.

We know you guys hate seeing those bars drop like flies, so that's why Element Case has come up with a hybrid aluminum bumper case so stealthy that you should never have to worry about losing reception ever again whilst rocking one of the most awesome cases known to iPhone users. Well, so they say. We find out exactly that and much more in the full review right after that jump!

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