Vogel's RingO All-In-One Mounting Kit for iPad 2 Giveaway!

We've got one new Vogel's RingO All-In-One ultimate universal mounting kit for the iPad 2 to give away to a lucky reader! Read our review if you haven't already on the RingO for more info. The All-In-One kit comes with a Smart Cover compatible iPad 2 Holder case, discrete Wall Mount, robust car mount and a table stand. Jump past the break for the giveaway details!

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BeyzaCases Zero Series Leather Sleeves Giveaway!

We're happy to parner up with BeyzaCases to bring you an awesome giveaway. Up for grabs are two leather sleeves from BeyzaCases' newest collection, the Zero Series. These sleeves are the world's thinnest leather sleeves! You could win 1 out of 2 Zero Series leather sleeves for the iPhone 4 or the iPad 2 in a cool looking black leather with red stitching accents. 

Go past the break if you want to get in on this giveaway!

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