Stump Stand for iPad & Tablets Review

When I first saw the Stump Stand, I'm not going to lie, I wasn't that impressed. It was a yellow rubber block that looked comical at best. I just could not take it seriously. Well, first impressions are not everything, and usually I am wrong about them! There are a ton of other slick and classy looking stands and holders for your iPad and tablet devices out there on the market today, but this little guy took my heart. I was pretty surprised and you will be too, after the break!

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Vogel's RingO All-In-One Mounting Kit for iPad 2 Giveaway!

We've got one new Vogel's RingO All-In-One ultimate universal mounting kit for the iPad 2 to give away to a lucky reader! Read our review if you haven't already on the RingO for more info. The All-In-One kit comes with a Smart Cover compatible iPad 2 Holder case, discrete Wall Mount, robust car mount and a table stand. Jump past the break for the giveaway details!

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ZENUS Prestige Pearl Lizard Folio for iPad 2 Review

Today we got our hands on the ZENUS ‘Prestige' Pearl Lizard Series iPad 2 leather folio. Zenus looks to continue its successes with its iPad cases rolling out with a new lineup for the iPad 2. Diving into the familiar yet always interesting field of leather cases, Zenus looks to make a big splash. Coming in at a relatively moderate price for leather cases, $90, can the ‘Prestige’ live up to its big name and predecessor? Check the review after the break!

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Just Mobile AluCube With AluPen Stylus Review

After the success of the AluPen stylus, Just Mobile has released the AluCube to accompany its pencil shaped aluminum stylus for capacitive touchscreen tablets. Styluses are fast growing to become one of the more desirable accessories one can get for a large touchscreen tablet such as the iPad. Just Mobile's AluPen has been one of the more unique styluses on the market with its solid aluminum construction and chubby pencil design. Some may find the two be the most useful tools to get the job done while others may point and laugh. 

Whatever the case may be, you may find this particular stylus set to fit in nicely on top of your desk. So jump past the break for the full review!

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Bracketron Back-iT iPad 2 Case Review

Bracketron, most commonly known for its popular stands and car mounts, has delved into the world of iPad cases with the Back-iT. The Back-iT shell is made from a strong polycarbonate plastic that aims to protect the back of your iPad while still maintaining it’s slim minimalistic design. The Back-iT is offered in the exact same pastel colors as the Apple Smart Cover thus designed to perfectly complement the Smart Cover while protecting both sides of your iPad. Bracketron’s Back-iT iPad case is good on its own but is great when paired with a matching Apple's Smart Cover. Check out the full review after the break!

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Bluelounge Kicks Rubber Pads for iPad 2 Review

We like anything that Bluelounge has put out so far including the most recently released Nest stand for the iPad. This time we've got our hands on Bluelounge's latest and greatest accessory made not only for the iPad 2 it seems, but also for just about any other similarly sized tablet out there including that glossy TouchPad most of you have purchased on the cheap to use as a fancy coffee coaster, or not. Am I the only one? Enough of that though, we're here to show you the brand new Kicks. The Kicks are quite simply rubber rails you stick on the back of your iPad 2, or tablet, to add a form of protection. Bluelounge is all about modern accessories that are affordable and get the job done. The Kicks are yet another promising tablet add-on you just might actually have the need for. Catch the full review after the break!

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Padlette V2 iPad 2 & Tablet Grip Handle Review

Padlette is at it again, and now it's back at full swing with a brand new version of my favorite grip handle for the iPad and iPad 2 that we reviewed for both the iPad and iPad 2. Padlette's main focus is of course the iPad since there's no denying that it's the market leader in the tablet world. But even so, Padlette has made a few notable changes since we last reviewed its stretchy silicone wonderness that is the Padlette to not only work with the iPad and iPad 2, but with many other popular tablets currently on the market. I like the sound of that and you will to. Just how good is the Padlette, unofficially called V2 by us, you ask? Find out after the jump!

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