Just Mobile AluCube With AluPen Stylus Review
/After the success of the AluPen stylus, Just Mobile has released the AluCube to accompany its pencil shaped aluminum stylus for capacitive touchscreen tablets. Styluses are fast growing to become one of the more desirable accessories one can get for a large touchscreen tablet such as the iPad. Just Mobile's AluPen has been one of the more unique styluses on the market with its solid aluminum construction and chubby pencil design. Some may find the two be the most useful tools to get the job done while others may point and laugh.
Whatever the case may be, you may find this particular stylus set to fit in nicely on top of your desk. So jump past the break for the full review!
Our good friends at Just Mobile thought we should have a look at the AluCube and sent us their AluPen + AluCube bundled in a deluxe set to create the perfect match. Upon opening the packaging, we are greeted with the AluPen and AluCube together with a protective sleeve pouch to store the AluPen in when not in use so to keep that wonderful anodized aluminum as scratch-free as possible.
Not much has changed since we last reviewed the AluPen by itself a while back, actually nothing has changed except for a few extra colors that Just Mobile has added to the lineup. The AluPen stylus remains at $24.95 while the AluPen + AluCube package runs for $39.95. For those who already own the AluPen and want to get the AluCube on its own, Just Mobile offers the AluCube alone for $15.95.
The AluCube is essentially a vertical holder stand for the AluPen made out of a solid cube of aluminum and has a good hefty weight to it as any stylus base should. It's arguably whether there's a real need for the AluCube since the AluPen isn't used as a desk graphic tablet stylus like one of those expensive Wacom ones professional artists use, but more of a portable tablet stylus for tablets like the iPad. With that being said, I never seen such a stylish desk holder for iPad styluses before. Just Mobile really knows how to design some incredibly complimenting accessories there's no doubt about it.
Besides the AluCube's stylus holding functionality, it also serves as a cable management routing a single cable more neatly to your liking. The bottom is covered with rubber feet with a channel that routs the cable thru and will fit even bulkier cables than Apple's Dock Connector to USB cable like your headphones cable you might want to keep out of your way. So in a way the AluCube also serves as a paperweight to hold down wild cables from getting all up in your face. And it works really well to be honest.
The AluCube has a hole at the top lined with rubber making the AluPen fit it snuggly tip side up without scratches each other in the process. Picking up the AluPen feels smooth and the heavy base of the AluCube weighs it down so it won't drag along. The two really are a perfect match. I would have liked the shape of the AluCube to have the same hexogen design as the AluPen for an even more interesting look instead of a rather boring block design.
While the AluCube proves to work as advertised, I don't think it's a necessary addition. Just Mobile did a great job with the AluPen stylus and I can't help but feel like the AluCube would have been a nice extra to come with the AluPen besides the protective pouch instead of a standalone product. We still think Just Mobile's AluPen on its own is worth our high marks.