Vogel's RingO All-In-One Mounting Kit for iPad 2 Giveaway!

We've got one new Vogel's RingO All-In-One ultimate universal mounting kit for the iPad 2 to give away to a lucky reader! Read our review if you haven't already on the RingO for more info. The All-In-One kit comes with a Smart Cover compatible iPad 2 Holder case, discrete Wall Mount, robust car mount and a table stand. Jump past the break for the giveaway details!

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Vogel's RingO iPad 2 Mounting System Case Review

Well oh well, look at what we've got our hands on. Vogel's RingO for the iPad 2, a universal mounting system compatible with the iPad, iPad 2 and the Samsung Galaxy Tab. We've reviewed a similar mounting system to the RingO from ModulR, which has been one of the more popular offerings for such an occasion. The Vogel's RingO mounting system is built fairly in the same way as the ModulR system but with a little difference in the your tablet connects to various adapters that come bundled up with the RingO case. If you love hanging your iPad 2 on your wall, in the car and having a weather alarm clock sitting on a bedside table only using one case, you may want to stick around for the full review after the cut!

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