MacBook Pro's Updated.

As all the rumors have been saying, the Macbook Pro's are going to be updated. This was true, there is defiantly a lot of changes. Instead of going with an NVIDIA GeForce GT GPUs they have now switched to AMD's Radeon HD GPU which are more powerful. The Macbook Pro does not have the rumored 16GB SSD 'boot drive' as a standard option. Intel has launched there new 'Light Peak' platform on the Macbook Pro's. It is right next to the USB ports and looks like a mini display port. This is a multipurpose connector that can transfer data up to 10Gbps but we will half to see what the real bench marks are. Also the iSight cameras have been updated to 'FaceTime HD' camera which is supposbly wide screen and much better resolution. The trackpads have been scaled up a little bit accross all the models. Also last thing is that all CPU's have been upgraded to Intel's 'Sand Bridge', lets just hope there not the defective ones.
