Behringer iNuke Boom, World's Largest Most Powerful Speaker Dock

When was the last time you literally ROFL'd looking at a speaker dock? Behringer's iNuke Boom is said to be the most massive speaker dock ever to be announced measuring 8 feet wide by 4 feet tall, and weighing at a staggering 700 pounds. It's the world's first, most powerful speaker dock made for iPhone and iPod with over 10,000 Watts of power, enough to open up your own little movie theater. If Behringer comes thru with such a ridiculous speaker dock at CES 2012, which it claims to have a model on the showroom floor, consumers are looking not only as a humongous beasts but also at a costly price tag of $30,000. We don't think the iNuke Boom will ever see the day of light. Behringer hasn't released any other details other than taunting all others with how big their black dock is.


Nir Schneider
