Will It Blend? iPhone 5s And iPhone 5c Tossed Into A Blender

Apple's iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c are well built pieces of modern technology, but will they blend? That is the question. To find out, they were put inside one of the world's most powerful Blendtec blender and the rest is beautiful, amusing destruction in slow-motion even Apple enthusiasts will appreciate. These Blendtec viral advertisements have been going on for years, and the company even blended the first iPhone on release day.


Nir Schneider


Thief Stole iPads From Microsoft Campus

In other fun news, one of Microsoft's campus buildings in Mountain View California fell victim to thievery. The culprit neglected to sweep up any Micicrosoft branded products, and instead stole 5 iPads including the newest 4th generation iPad from three separate offices. Presumably the iPads were personally owned by the employees, and weren't dissected in order to develop Microsoft's Surface tablets. But in reality, we think these iPads were used by Microsoft's iOS app developers for testing Office for iOS and other Microsoft developed apps. We love a good story powered by irony.


Nir Schneider


iPhone 5 VS Galaxy S3, Will They Blend?

Ever wondered what will blend faster, the iPhone 5 or the Galaxy S3? This time the plastic construction of the Galaxy S3 looks to beat the metal unibody construction of the iPhone 5 by only a few seconds until it comes to a pile of black dust in this brutal blender experiment. Or in what is really a commercial for a very powerful and expensive Blendtec blender, the same one that blends your delicious Frappuccinos at Starbucks. We learned nothing, but if you love seeing the destruction of gadgets this is for you.


Nir Schneider


iPhone 5 Tortured With High Powered Laser Beams, Handguns

There's really no point other than pure, unadulterated entertainment when you shine five - ultra high-powered burning lasers onto the screen of an iPhone 5 until the inevitable happens. And if that's not enough, why not shoot the damn thing with a handgun in slow motion goodness? Enjoy!


Nir Schneider


Samsung Goes Down On iPhone 5 Queuers

Samsung continues to poke fun at Apple and its loyalists for queuing up to get the iPhone 5 with yet another Galaxy S3 ad it released today. Samsung, you have no Gangnam Style.


Nir Schneider


The Playa iPhone Case Stores Your Condom, Offers Dual Protection

The guys behind the Playa case are a bunch of party rockers. First they make the Opena, an iPhone case with a slide-out bottle opener and now this. The Playa case for the iPhone 4S and iPhone 4 is a snap-on style hard case that protects your iPhone like any traditional polycarbonate made case, but it also protects you from all sorts of unwanted trouble. A hidden compartment slides open good enough to store up to two condoms, so you'll be covered when the time comes to get it in. Because a wallet is no place for a condom.

The Playa case truly offers dual protection wouldn't you say? The sleekishly glossy Playa case will be available in three colors just in time for the summer at $29.95. Catch the video after the break!

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Behringer iNuke Boom, World's Largest Most Powerful Speaker Dock

When was the last time you literally ROFL'd looking at a speaker dock? Behringer's iNuke Boom is said to be the most massive speaker dock ever to be announced measuring 8 feet wide by 4 feet tall, and weighing at a staggering 700 pounds. It's the world's first, most powerful speaker dock made for iPhone and iPod with over 10,000 Watts of power, enough to open up your own little movie theater. If Behringer comes thru with such a ridiculous speaker dock at CES 2012, which it claims to have a model on the showroom floor, consumers are looking not only as a humongous beasts but also at a costly price tag of $30,000. We don't think the iNuke Boom will ever see the day of light. Behringer hasn't released any other details other than taunting all others with how big their black dock is.


Nir Schneider
