CalypsoKey: NFC-Enabled Leather iPhone 5 Sleeve That Unlocks Doors

Are you angry your iPhone 5 has no built-in NFC like all of the popular smartphones on the block? Fret no more, CalypsoCrystal's new CalypsoCase sleeve integrates two dual-band NFC chips which CalypsoCrystal calls the CalypsoKey feature. Although you wouldn't be able to use any apps to enhance and customize the CalypsoKey, with it you'll be able to unlock any NFC-enabled door locks like the one featured above made by Kaba. The CalypsoCase with CalypsoKey is a $119 luxurious, handcrafted Italian leather iPhone 5 sleeve that comes in a wide array of colors and designs with the added rigidity and protection of a hidden titanium frame.

CalypsoKey is comprised of one 13.56 MHz RFID, ISO 14443A antena with 1k memory capacity and a second 125kHz RFID antena. Compatible with most RFID NFC worldwide access points.

The cool thing about NFC tags is that they require no charging as they draw the little power they require off of your device wirelessly, in this case the iPhone 5. One thing remains a question though. CalypsoCrystal isn't giving you any details on how exactly you'd go about setting up your customized NFC key portoflio. The CalypsoCase with CalypsoKey is available now starting at $119.


Nir Schneider
