Jawbone Gets Back Up For The Second Time

You might remember when Jawbone announced the promising UP wristband that resembled what Nike was doing with their FuelBand just last year. However, the hardware design was subpar and ended up being recalled and Jawbone offered a "No Questions Asked" refund to all of its customers. 

Now, they're back at it again with the Jawbone UP 2.0 that features a much better redesign in both the hardware as well as the software. The main issue users had with the old UP was that water would sneak into the band itself and cause mayhem on the circuitry, leaving you with a dead or twitchy wristband. For some odd reason, Jawbone didn't think users would be "bending and playing" with the UP as much as they had planned, which led to more circuit board issues such as cracking. 

To redeem themselves, Jawbone has improved the overall bonding of the UP wristband and has upgraded their circuit boards with much more flexible versions. By decreasing the number of joints and exposed areas on the UP, it should reduce the number of problems users have experienced in the past version. 

On top of hardware, the iOS app got a nice makeover too. Featuring sleep tracking, smarter calorie counters and even some push notifications to recommend some jogging on your lazy days. 

These redesigned wristbands will be available for $129 and will be on sale immediately on their website. They are currently only available in black but will come in 8 different flavors later on. 


Nike+ FuelBand Now Available At Apple Stores

Nike's water-resistant Nike+ FuelBand fitness tracking wristband gadget is no longer being exclusively sold at Nike's online and brick and mortar stores. The FuelBand is now being sold at Apple online and brick and mortar stores for $150 in new color schemes that include a geeky looking transparent white, semi-transparent smoke and black colors. The FueldBand features a streamline bright LED dot-matrix display and can track your steps, calorie burn and display digital time amongst other things.


Nir Schneider


Nike Outs Nike+ FuelBand, A Pumped Up Fitness Watch Wrist Band

Jawbone's Up may have been a big disappointment due to a big recall program last year, but there's no denying the vast amount of popularity the Up band has been able to gain not long after it has been released. Nike seems to like the idea and has just announced its own fitness band called the Nike+ FuelBand. A wrist band sports a water-resistant rubber exterior with a metal clasp. The Nike+ FuelBand is a more featured fitness wrist band that can track your movement and display your activity like how many calories and steps you've burned and walked using accelerometry. It features an attractive white LED dot matrix display made up from 100 LEDs capable of displaying time amongst your activity data and right beneath it is a row of 20 colorful LEDs that go from red-to-green as the user gets closer to their set goal.

All of the data captured on your Nike+ FuelBand syncs with the Nike+ website using the built-in USB plug much like the Up band, or wirelessly through Bluetooth to the free FuelBand iPhone app to record activity each day and track progress. Once again we don't see any support for Android devices. You can pre-order the Nike+ FuelBand starting today for $149, and start wearing it on February 22. Head over to Nike for all the nitty gritty and jump past the break for the video!

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