Sony PSP E-1000 Announced, More Affordable Than Ever

Sony has announced some wonderful news today at the Gamescon keynote, and this is one of them. A brand new PSP E-1000 debuted today with an all new stealthy design with a PS3 Slim-like, charcoal matte finished exterior. The PSP E-1000 is a more affordable portable gaming console from Sony at a staggering price of €99. There is a catch however, the PSP E-1000 isn't WiFi enabled and will be a good option for those who just want to use UMD games and movies on the go. It also has a mono speaker instead of stereo speakers. Sony has yet to announce a US price and release date.


Nir Schneider


The Sony PSP Go Is Dead

Oh boy, looks like yet another gadget is being killed off. After Microsoft killed the Zune and Cisco killed their Flip line of cameras, it's Sony's turn and they're killing the PSP Go. The PSP Go was first introduced to replace the PSP 3000 portable gaming system but it never took gamers love from the start with its digital only games and inability to play UMD games and movies where past PSP models where able to do. Sony's PSP 3000 is still living strong and is one of the most popular portable gaming systems on the market. Farewell PSP Go, you will not be missed.


Nir Schneider
