First Untethered iPhone 5 Jailbreak Comes In The Form Of ‘evasi0n’

It’s been over 4 months since the release of the iPhone 5 and today marks the first day that users can jailbreak their phones via an untethered software by a group of iOS jailbreak authors who go by the name of, “Evad3rs.”

The software is available for Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows and will jailbreak any iOS 6.x device. For those unfamiliar with jailbreaking, its purpose is to allow the user to make unauthorized tweaks and changes to the phone and the ability to download apps not found on the App Store. As an untethered jailbreak, users only have to jailbreak once, while a tethered jailbreak means that the user has to do this process every time they restart their phone.

Note: Via The Verge, users and staff have confirmed that the jailbreak is force closing Apple's Weather App. 
