‘Infinity Blade: Dungeons’ Put On Hold Indefinitely As Epic Games Shuts Down Impossible Studios

Epic Games announced yesterday the closer of Impossible Studios, the team that had been hard at work on Infinity Blade: Dungeons. Founder of Epic Games, Tim Sweeney announced via their community page that, “It was a bold initiative and the Impossible folks made a gallant effort, but ultimately it wasn’t working out for Epic.”

First announced during Apple’s iPad 3 event last year, Infinity Blade: Dungeons had seen its first signs of trouble last October when the game was delayed till 2013. Tim Sweeney also promised all Impossible Studios employees 3 months of severance pay along with allowing them the opportunity to form a new company using the same name. Considering the Infinity franchise has been a huge hit for them, it wouldn't be a surprise if this came out sooner than later.


Studio Neat Looks To Reinvent March Madness With It’s Simple Bracket iPhone App

The duo behind the Glif tripod mount for iPhone and the Cosmonaut stylus are back at Kickstarter again to raise funds for their new Simple Bracket App for the iPhone. Their goal with this project is to reinvent the way people fill out brackets for college basketball’s March Madness. For those unfamiliar, March Madness is a time every year in which 68 teams play in a single elimination tournament. Enthusiasts of the game will fill out brackets trying to predict which teams will continue on in the tournament, including the President

Simple Bracket works to redo the way brackets are filled out on smartphones by allowing the entire bracket to be viewed as one scrollable list instead of having it all fit onto a small screen. They also claim to use a better scoring system developed by a biostatistician that takes into account more refined statistics like team seed and chances of winning each round. Finally, it brings playing with friends into the digital age by pairing it up with your Twitter account. Funding will complete on March 5, 14 days before the tournament starts.


First Untethered iPhone 5 Jailbreak Comes In The Form Of ‘evasi0n’

It’s been over 4 months since the release of the iPhone 5 and today marks the first day that users can jailbreak their phones via an untethered software by a group of iOS jailbreak authors who go by the name of, “Evad3rs.”

The software is available for Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows and will jailbreak any iOS 6.x device. For those unfamiliar with jailbreaking, its purpose is to allow the user to make unauthorized tweaks and changes to the phone and the ability to download apps not found on the App Store. As an untethered jailbreak, users only have to jailbreak once, while a tethered jailbreak means that the user has to do this process every time they restart their phone.

Note: Via The Verge, users and staff have confirmed that the jailbreak is force closing Apple's Weather App. 


Parrot Flower Power, Keep Track Of Your Plants With Real Time Data

Bring 21st century technology to gardening with Parrot’s new Flower Power sensor. Using the bluetooth enabled bio dongle, you can receive real time data on your plants soil moisture, temperature, sunlight, and fertilizer. Along with this information, you will get push notifications to remind you of your plant’s needs. The device is as simple as setting it into the soil of your plant. That’s it. Now you can check your plants data and see what it needs with the companion app for your phone. With over 6,000 plants in their database, you can be sure that it will be tailored towards your needs. No availability or price yet but expect it come out sometime this year. 


Kuvva, Your Personal Wallpaper Carousel

Never worry about having to search for wallpaper with Kuvva, a Mac application that automatically updates your wallpaper. Photos are submitted by artists and are presented at the highest quality. You can browse through an artists other work on the Kuvva website and find out more information about them.The Mac application installs on the menu bar like so:


With the app, you can set it to show wallpaper for a featured artist or what is most popular. It also allows you to view the previous wallpaper and skip to the next one. If you decide to sign up for an account, you can set it to scroll through the wallpapers you like and tweet about the current artist. Lastly, you can set your preference for how often Kuvva changes through wallpaper with settings for hourly, 12 hours, daily, weekly, and manual. Kuvva also has an iPhone app that allows you to view and save wallpaper from the website. Find it on the app store for $1.99.


Invoxia AudiOffice Is The All-in-One And One-for-All Dock

Invoxia has updated its AudiOffice dock that serves as an ideal set-up that solves one of the obvious problems most docks have: calling. Most docks require you to remove your phone to answer a call, making it an overall inconvenient experience. AudioOffice solves this issue through a built-in handset which you can use for phone calls instead. The AudiOffice rocks a Cortex A8 processor to run with iOS, and with the newest update, Android as well. 

With two more additional speakers from its four in the old version, AudiOffice projects high quality sound for conference calls and music out of its six inVivo Acoustic technology enhanced speakers that is designed for HD sound. Not only are normal phone calls able to take advantage of the AudiOffice, but VOIP communications such as Skype can too. 

The new AudiOffice is compatible with all mobile devices and even your PC with included USB cables. It will available for $299 on Invoxia's website and will be released during Q1 of this year.


Tweetbot For Mac Is Finally Here

All of your Twitter woes has finally been solved, and it comes packed inside a cute metal bird. The developers over at Tapbot has got everything ready to go and finally let their little metal egg hatch into something very exciting. Tweetbot For Mac went live earlier today on the Mac App Store and has risen through the ranks to land right next to OS X Mountain Lion on the Top Paid category. 

The app will support Retina displays and also iCloud syncing capabilities with your Tweetbot for iOS app. Now before you guys head over to the Mac App Store and pick yours up, let me warn you, the price tag isn't pretty. It'll knock you down $20. Instead of me wasting my time jabbering on about how Tweetbot is worth it, I'll let Mark Jardine, a developer of Tweetbot, give you the inside scope: 

If you think about it, it’s not that expensive. Twenty dollars for a quality piece of software that you use every day? That has been the price point for quality utility apps on the Mac for years. However, it’s not just the development time and attention we put into the app that commands the higher price.

Because of Twitter’s recent enforcement of token limits, we only have a limited number of tokens available for Tweetbot for Mac. These tokens dictate how many users Tweetbot for Mac can have. The app’s limit is separate from, but much smaller than, the limit for Tweetbot for iOS. Once we use up the tokens granted to us by Twitter, we will no longer be able to sell the app to new users. Tapbots will continue to support Tweetbot for Mac for existing customers at that time.

This limit and our desire to continue to support the app once we sell out is why we’ve priced Tweetbot for Mac a little higher than we’d like. It’s the best thing we can do for the long term viability of the product. We know some will not be happy about Tweetbot for Mac’s pricing, but the bottom line is Twitter needs to provide us with more tokens for us to be able to sell at a lower the price. We spent a year developing this app and it’s the only way for us to be able to make our money back and continue supporting it with updates in the future. Feel free to let Twitter know how you feel about it.
