FLASHr Takes LED Flash Alerts To The Next Level


With so many notifications that we get sent to our iPhones, whether they are text messages, phone calls, or emails, it is difficult to keep track of them all. After all, we have better things to do aside from staring at our phones the whole day. If you're the type of person who hates missing an important message or phone call, the LED flash notification feature in the Accessibility section of your iPhone could be a great function you just might want to check out. However, be forewarned, the hard light that the flash gives off is surprisingly bright and annoying. 

Taking all of this into consideration, the creators over at Phaze5 has come up with a genius way to use the LED flash alert feature to their advantage. The FLASHr is a great idea that both protects your iPhone and puts on a pretty awesome light show whenever you get an alert. By reflecting the harsh light from the flash using an aluminum backplate, the FLASHr surrounds itself in a comfortable and colorful glow in an assortment of colors. This will surely catch the attention of not just yourself but everybody around you as well, making sure you won't miss a single notification, even if you wanted to.


Phaze5 is calling out to anybody who is interested in supporting them and this simple and awesome idea through their Kickstarter campaign. Starting at $35, you can choose from a large assortment of Flashr colors and never miss a single alert again. 
