The Magic Numpad Turns Your Magic Trackpad Into A Multi-Touch Numpad

Mobee likes to call all of their products magical, and that's perfectly fine when everyone single one of them is pretty much magical. Mobee has recently released the Magic Numbpad that turns your Magic Trackpad into an even more magical and customizeable glass surface. Mobee's Magic Trackpad are actually just simple transparent films that lay on top of your Magic Trackpad and add 3 different types of numpad layouts and are made to be bubble-free and reusable. Mobee has also created an OS X Lion and Snow Leopard compatible software downloadable via a code included in the packaging that brings all of this magical numpad goodness together. You'll still be able to use your Magic Trackpad as a trackpad with the Magic Numbpad film installed.

The Magic Numpad is available to pre-order for $29.90 - €29.90, and will be released in October.


Nir Schneider
