Google Announces Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS

Here it is in all its glory, the new Google Android Ice Cream Sandwich, and it never looked so delicious. Google has also announced that is will put an end to Android fragmentation, meaning the new Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS will run on every single Android device from phones to tablets, even computers and everyone will always be up-to-date with the latest Android updates no matter what. Just like every current iOS device made by Apple. Google said it wants only one OS to run Android devices from now on, and that will be the new Ice Cream Sandwich. Google has made a great move that will be very beneficial to its customers by laying down strict rules for manufacturers that all new devices must be capable of running the latest version of Android for the first 18 months after they go on sale. Expect the Android Ice Cream Sandwich to fill your Google OS running devices in Q4 of 2011. 

Nir Schneider


Google Chrome 11 Released

Google has released Chrome 11 with a few important bug and security fixes along with a new icon and text-to-speech functionality. You should already see this faster looking colorful ball sitting in your dock by now since Chrome updates itself automatically. Just to make things stick though, you should go to your Chrome's tool bar - About Google Chrome, and hit restart to finish the update. That's if you're using a Mac. 

Nir Schneider


Google Bringing Ultra High-Speed Internet To Kansas City

Google announced that it picked Kansas City, Kansas out of roughly 1,100 cities. Google will roll out their gigabit fiber network beginning 2012 which will bring locals internet speeds of 1Gbps, more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today. That is pure awesome. Although Kansas City were the first lucky ones to participate in this incredible service, Google said it will not stop there and it is working on bringing their ultra high-speed internet service to other cities and states. 

Nir Schneider


Get Your Very Own Chrome Notebook

Google has opened up a pilot program to anyone who want to test out the new Chrome OS on a new CR-48 Chrome Notebook designed specially for this pilot program. This baby can boot up in about 10 seconds and shut down instantly thanks to an SSD and of course the Chrome OS. If you think you're the one to be one the the lucky test pilots then go ahead and sign up to be considered! It's free and you probably will get to keep the CR-48 notebook all to yourself. 

Here are some specs:

  • Built-in WiFi and 3G
  • Webcam
  • 12" LCD display
  • Oversized touch pad
  • Full-size keyboard
  • 8-hours of battery life

Source Google Pilot Program

Nir Schneider


Google Holding Mobile Event Today

Google is going to be holding an event today in their San Francisco offices at 12PM PST (9PM British Time), where they are going to be “unveiling a couple of cool new mobile features”. The last time they held an event similar to this, they unveiled Google Navigation, which was a great addition to Android. So hopefully they will announce something on par with Google Nav.

The event could be the unveiling of the Google music service which we’ve been expecting since Google I/O. And if this is indeed what is being announced today, it will be the first step for Google to take a bite out of Apple’s music business, (No pun intended!) and could convert iPhone users locked in the iTunes universe to Android. However, I do not think that it will be the launch of Android 3.0. Mainly because it is to soon after 2.2 was announced at Google I/O.

There are some rumours floating around of them releasing the Nexus Two with Gingerbread 3.0, but again, this is probably not going to happen as we would of seen some sort of leak by now.

Source AllThingsD

Google Updates Image Search Results

Not long ago today I needed to search Google thru their image search (no, not for gadget porn), and to my surprise I was blown away by the new and updated search results. The new image grid now packs much more images into one page without any text at first, but once you hover over an image, it will pop out and enlarge with info and links. This new image search result will require getting used too. There is no telling if Google will keep it this way, only time will tell.

Nir Schneider


R.I.P Nexus One


Widely believed  to be the best phone among the geek community, the Nexus One is coming the end of its life. As Google is no longer going to make its own Android handset and they have just received its last shipment of handsets. The Nexus One never really caught on outside of the android and geek community, even though it is a great handset and probably the one of the best phones available at the moment.

However, Google will keep selling them in the UK through Vodafone, and through KI in Korea. But in N.America, it will no longer be available unless you are a registered Google developer, then you can get it through Google’s partners. It will still be the official Google developer phone and it will still get the latest Android OS before any other phone.

Source Google