RichardSolo 1800 Smart Backup Battery
/We all know the iPhone has very short battery life and for most of us that's a big issue. Now you can almost triple your iPhone battery life with Richard Solo's 1800 Smart Backup Battery. After using the 1800 for quite some time now, I was able to to get about two full charges out of it. The 1800 features a red laser pointer that is very mediocre but gets the job done if you actually need to point at something, as well as a bright and strong white led light that I found extremely usable. The 1800 battery has the same form factor as an iPhone and is very well built. To charge your iPhone or iPod, you simply connect the 1800 straight into the Dock Connector and a blue light indicates charging. Although there is no way of turning off the blue indicator light or the 1800 to stop charging your device. There is an On/Off switch on the back that only controls the laser and led light. You can use your iPhone or iPod while the 1800 is connected, however it's uncomfortable because of how that 1800 is directly attached making your device much longer.
The 1800 stays securely attached to your device. If you're not using a case with your iPhone, just attach the clear clip provided to get a stable tight connection between your iPhone and the 1800 Backup Battery. You can charge the 1800 Backup Battery by using the provided retractable USB cable with your computer or by plugging it into the wall charger. I would recommend the 1800 with cable version as it's a lot more comfortable and versatile. Richard Solo's 1800 Backup Battery is a great gadget to have. The Richard Solo 1800 Backup Battery only has a capacity of 1800mAh, which is somewhat pricy. With the 1800, included are iPhone/3GS adapters, a two-port USB car charger, ac wall charger and retractable USB cable. Price $69.95