PureGear PureBeats In-Ear Headset Review
/We are on a roll in reviewing audio gear this month, this time we've got PureGear's PureBeats in-ear headset in for review. The PureBeats are a part of PureGear's signature collection of accessories that offer reasonably priced products for those who are on the go. Not to be confused with the much more expensive Beats line of in-ear headphones by Dre, the PureBeats promise deep bass tones and crispy sound clarity without putting a dent in your bank account. Don't miss out on the full review of the PureBeats right after the jump.
The PureBeats are going to run you $49.99 and come with the very basic of accessories like a small hard carrying case and 2 extra silicone tips in addition to the standard sized tips already installed on the pair themselves. The basicness is sort of a theme that shows throughout these pair of affordable pair of in-ears. I wasn't expected anything that would blow me away when I first set my hands on the PureBeats. While there are many other affordable options out there, the PureBeats don't seem to stand out all that much.
Starting out with the build quality, the PureBeats are not going to win any build quality awards any time soon. The plastic enclosure feels too plasticky and not very high in quality. When you pick up the PureBeats and hold them in your hand, they do feel like a very affordable pair of in-ears, more cheap than affordable. They are so lightweight that they give off a feeling of emptiness. I've tested out similarly priced in-ears that have a better build quality than these do. I'm not impressed one bit.
I don't have anything bad to say about the design, and I actually do like the way the PureBeats look. Even though they are entirely made out of pretty cheap feeling plastic, I do like the contrast between the black plastic and the chrome plastic accents. PureGear isn't known for being an audio company but their design and packaging do look very good and up-to-date with today's offerings. The flat tangle-free cable does work very well and doesn't tangle up.
Comfort isn't an issue here and because the PureBeats are so lightweight, they are very comfortable to wear all day long. You only have a limited ear tip selection, but I found the standard to fit me very well. There isn't any noise-isolation even with a good seal. I always recommend getting a pair of Comply foam tips for any in-ears as they block out a massive amount of outside noise while increasing sound quality and comfort. This time I haven't found a matching pair of compatible Comply foam tips that fit the PureBeats.
Earlier in the review I said that the PureBeats have a basic theme to them and it shows in their headset feature. The remote with the mic on the back side is a very basic one button remote that is only good for controlling music tracks and not the sound level. I can't see how this can be a very useful headset without the ability to control the sound level. Again, there are better choices out there at this price for much better performing headsets if that is what you're looking for. As for the sound quality of the mic, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it's very clean and clear.
Last but certainly not least, we get into how the PureBeats actually sound. Most important is the sound quality. I'm willing to let go of good looks and build quality for good sound any day. We've seen exactly that in the more expensive pair of in-ears like the Atrio M5. The PureBeats are marketed for having deep bass, now that is true 100%. I really loved the thumping deep bass performance which if you're familiar with the Beats By Dre line of headphones, the PureBeats are one and the same when it comes down to the hard hitting beats. What I didn't like about the PureBeats' sound quality was the mids and the highs. Both of which are very recessed and undetailed. Listening to rock music isn't the PureBeats' strong point. The bass overpowers and drowns out the mids and highs in the rock genre.
The highs are not clear at all and the mids are a bit muffled out. The PureBeats' bass performance makes it a more suitable pair for listening to pop, hip-hop and dance music type of music genres at most. When it comes down to detailed music like rock, the PureBeats fall short. I think that for $49.99 you're not going to get the most out of your money going with the PureBeats unless you really love deep bass and a very specific warm sound that is suitable for the above music genres.