Get Your iPhone 4 to Glow Green in the Dark

If you are one of those people who love glow in the dark items, you will most likely want to pick up Mobile Riot Gear's iGlow. iGlow is a vinyl decal which glows green in the dark to help you find your iPhone 4 or maybe it will just make you insonomniac. iGlow comes in two versions, a full back and side vinyl for $14.95 and a two piece side band vinyl (which would be great for that annoying antenna reception) for $10.95. iGlow is now available from Mobile Riot Gear.


Nir Schneider


Antennaid Covers Your iPhone 4's "Boo-Boo"

Although this might look like a ridiculous joke, it's the real deal. Antennaid for the iPhone 4 is made to look like a Band-Aid and will hopefully fix your iPhone reception issues whilst making you look like a big baby. This might be a solution for you, however I would stick with a case for now. The people behind this do not claim that it will 100% fix your antenna reception. The Antennaid is made out of cut vinyl and is available in a pack of six, in six colors for $4.99.

Source Antennaid | Etsy 


Nir Schneider
