Best Way To Charge Your iPhone Is The Green Way

It's only half way through the day and your phone is dead. This seems to be a common problem for a lot of you heavy smartphone users  busy sending emails, checking your facebook, and playing Angry Birds. Lilliputian Systems has come up with a "green" alternative to charging your smartphone on-the-go. By incorporating fuel cells filled with butane in a compact case, you can now charge your iPhone 10-14 cycles with each replaceable fuel cell. 

This simple and environmentally friendly solution to your iPhone battery woes will be only available at your local Brookstone's and on their online store at this time. While each replaceable fuel cell only costs a couple of dollars, exact pricing and release dates have yet to be announced.


Re-Case Is The Most Trashy iPhone 4S Case You Can Buy

Are you feeling guilty for purchasing that plastic iPhone case of yours knowing that you've helped create global warming? Ok let's take it easy. How about a fresh new case made from 100% recycled trash. The Re-Case is made by a company called Miniwiz which is trying to revolutionize the case industry by designing the Re-Case to have a more stylish face you'll want to use. Well you can call it that, or you can think of the Re-Case like a vegetarian meal, bland and hard to get used to if you like your burgers. The Re-Case does have one trick up its sleeve to help entice people to go green when choosing an iPhone case.

The ergonomic, ripple pattern of the Re-Case also allows enough room to seamlessly store one RFID card hidden from plain site to increase its usability. It's trashy and pretty at the same time. The Re-Case fits both the iPhone 4S and iPhone 4, and is available in 6 colors for $24.95.


Nir Schneider


SwitchEasy Splashes TRIM, CapsuleRebel & Glitz Cases With Color

We simply love colors at Gadgetmac and SwitchEasy just added four additional new colors to their line of cases for the iPhone 4. The TRIM, CapsuleRebel and the Glitz have all been splashed with four new colors. The TRIM and CapsuleRebel cases for the iPhone 4 will now be available in a total of seven colors while the Glitz is available in five colors. 


Nir Schneider


Get Your iPhone 4 to Glow Green in the Dark

If you are one of those people who love glow in the dark items, you will most likely want to pick up Mobile Riot Gear's iGlow. iGlow is a vinyl decal which glows green in the dark to help you find your iPhone 4 or maybe it will just make you insonomniac. iGlow comes in two versions, a full back and side vinyl for $14.95 and a two piece side band vinyl (which would be great for that annoying antenna reception) for $10.95. iGlow is now available from Mobile Riot Gear.


Nir Schneider
