iMacompanion Introduces A Front-Facing USB Port On iMacs
/Don’t you hate it when you need to plug in something into one of the USB ports inconveniently placed around the back of your iMac? Well, there’s a simple fix for your USB port plugging problem. iMacompanion is a sturdy USB extension port that sits at the front of your iMac’s pedestal base, giving you a much more convenient and hassle-free USB port experience at all times. It’s also designed to naturally compliment your iMac with its silver, sandblasted anodized aluminum construction and clean aesthetic.
The iMacompanion USB port uses an incredibly thin flat cable which is hidden from plain sight and is routed underneath the base of the iMac so it looks as if it were a built-in feature. What isn’t so impressive is that fact that at this point and time, the iMacompanion is still a USB 2.0 due to certain limitations with regard to its ultra-thin cable design. If that doesn’t bother you though, you can pre-order yours right now and help fund this product on Kickstarter for $29.