White iPhone 4 Officially Out

Well, well, well. We've got some good news for those who have been waiting endlessly for Apple's white iPhone 4. Apple has officially announced that the white iPhone 4 will be available to purchase starting tomorrow at Apple retail stores and online. Looks like Apple has redesigned the proximity sensor above the earpiece to be much more sleeker and got rid of the grille it had before when Apple released the iPhone 4. I think I'll stick to me black one for now.


Nir Schneider


Battlefield 3 First Gameplay Debut

EA released the first in-game gameplay footage in a trailer for the upcoming Battlefield 3. The trailer shows a first glimpse of actual in-game footage from Battlefield 3 as a U.S Marine squad engages hostile forces in Iraqi Kurdistan. Battlefield 3 is slated to be released on December 31, 2011. You can pre-order Battlefield 3 in Limited Edition to get the Back to Karkand multiplayer expansion pack for free which include four legendary maps from Batlefield 2. Check out the gameplay trailer after the break.

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