Twelve South's BookBook For iPhone 4 Set To Amaze

Is this a book? A book case? A magical book wallet iPhone 4 case? Why yes, yes it is! We love you guys over at Twelve South for doing what you do best, amaze. Twelve South has just released their version of the BookBook case for the iPhone 4 and made it into a wallet case for the iPhone 4 with slots that can hold a few credit cards and your ID. Now you've got an all-in-one package that looks like a little vintage book. It just doesn't get any better than this folks. The BookBook for the iPhone 4 is made out of a hand distressed, handmade leather for that unique vintagy look and feel as it scuffs up with use to look even better. If you fancy this wallet case for your iPhone 4, then you can pick one up right now for $59.99. We've already got our hands on one to review, so stay tuned!


Nir Schneider
