HTC Sense Coming to Windows Phone 7


Microsoft has always wanted a unified look to Windows Phone 7 ever since it was announced, but HTC has just said today that they will bring HTC Sense to all of their upcoming Windows Phone 7 devices. Drew Bamford from HTC told Forbes that Sense UI would still appear in HTC's Windows Phone 7 devices, and he believes that it will live on in Android 3.0  as well. He also said that "We won't be able to replace as much of the core Windows Phone experience, but we will augment it," because "Microsoft has taken firmer control of the core experience."

Windows Phone 7 is due to be launch around November with devices from Dell, Asus, LG, HTC, and Samsung.

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Source Forbes


Microsoft Confirms Windows Phone 7 OEM's


Microsoft's Senior Product Manager, Greg Sullivan, confirmed who the Windows Phone 7 launch OEM's would be in an interview with Pocket-lint. Dell, Asus, LG, HTC, and Samsung are all going to have Windows Phone 7 on some sort of device at around the time of the launch date but we do not know what these devices will be yet. Talking of the launch date, Microsoft is saying "Holdiays 2010," so we should see some devices in time for Christmas. But, knowing Microsoft, they will release most of the devices in January and miss the Holiday season.

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Source Pocket-Lint


Verizon Fully Kills the Kin


Nobody can say that they're particularly surprised about this one. As Verizon has just confirmed that they are no longer going to sell both Kin phones and they are going to be returning them back to Microsoft.Who themselves just threw in the towel on the Kin project at the end of last month. (Read here) We are told that all existing Kin's will work as Microsoft is keeping the back-end services running. But as so few Kin's were sold, I wonder how long this will continue to happen.

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Source Engadget 
