Snupped Tech Suit Custom Sock Sleeve for iPad 2
/Snupped is a whole new concept of buying sleeves for you gadget. There is no pre-defined and ready to buy sleeve for the gadget of your choice. Instead, Snupped's idea is all about custom and handmade sleeves. You choose the sleeve type you like, zippered or just a simple sock sleeve, slap an exterior design and an interior colored lining and last but not least, you put down the name of your device that the sleeve will incase. The finished product is a custom-tailored sleeve for the gadget of your choice. Sounds brilliant, but how well does all of this work out? Find out in the full review right after the break.
Snupped offers very interesting and colorful patterns to choose from and they can all be custom tailored to create the sleeve of your choice. Snupped has sent out their Tech Suit Sock Sleeve for the iPad 2, definitely a fitting topic. The Sock and Zippered sleeves will both run you $34.90 and can be custom made to fit anything from a laptop to a smaller gadget like a phone or an iPod. I'm impressed by the quality of the sleeve itself. It's one of the more padded sleeves I've tried so far. This thing will protect your device from scratches and even minor drops.
The inside of the Snupped sleeve is lined with the same kind of material that is used for the exterior. It's nothing that's incredibly soft, but it will not scratch your device. While this particular sleeve for the iPad 2 will only fit a naked iPad 2, you can request a sleeve that will fit your iPad 2 with a Smart Cover attached.
Unfortunately I was not impressed by Snupped's custom tailored process. While the iPad 2 sleeve fit my iPad 2 very snugly and provides a great deal of padded protection, the fit was not exactly tailored to fully incase the iPad 2. The sleeve is a little too short for the iPad 2 and exposes the iPad 2 a bit. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but I don't see that point in having an exposed iPad 2 while trying to keep it safely protecting inside a sleeve. It's just not right. I don't think that Snupped did a good job custom fitting this sleeve for the iPad 2 at all. It's not tight enough and lets the iPad 2 easily slide out.
There is huge potential in these Snupped sleeves, however I can't see how they can custom fit sleeves for any type of gadget you ask for. It shows with this sleeve for the iPad 2. I really like the amount of padding and the simple cotton fabric that are used to make these sleeve, but when things don't fit right right, it's not just not good enough. The Snupped process of creating a custom sleeve for any gadget sounded very promising and I really wanted to like this sleeve because it does look and feel great. Sadly, I cannot recommend going with Snupped at this time. There are better options out there if you're looking for a sleeve.