Trunket Rosewood iPhone 5 & iPhone 4 Skin Giveaway!

It's been a while since our last giveaway, and this time we wanted to include both iPhone 5 and iPhone 4/S users in on the loot. Trunket is one of our all-time favorite iPhone artisan real wood skin manufacturer, and we're thrilled to be giving away 5 Trunket Rosewood complete front + back skin kits made from the most amazing American Rosewood to 5 lucky winners anywhere in the world. Stained in 5 different lavish colors, adorned with a brushed metal inlay in the shape of a irresistibly cute Elephant (hence the name Trunket), and sanded to a smooth refined finish. If you're a fan of wood and all of its natural properties, you better enter this giveaway! To enter, head past the jump for details.

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Trunket American Rosewood Wood iPhone 5 Skins Review

Trunket's little elephant is back to smother your iPhone 5 with wood awesomeness. Our most favorite wood-made skins received our highest rating a little over a year ago when we reviewed them for the iPhone 4. And now we're excited to take another look at what Trunket has to say for themselves with their latest American Rosewood skins for Apple's taller, slimmer iPhone 5. If wood is your thing, and we know there are quite a few of you who are in love with nature's timber, you won't want to miss our review on Trunket's $38 charming wood skins after the cut!

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Trunket Bridle Card Leather Wallet Review

Trunket has so far been known for its drop dead gorgeous, stainless steel elephant emblemmed American Rosewood skins for the iPhone 4S and iPhone 4 that we wholeheartedly recommend. Today we're going to take a look at Trunket's Bridle Card Wallet, and although not what you'd expect from a company that is known for making skins for the iPhone, we would never pass up on the opportunity to check out a Trunket product. The Connecticut company makes its wooden skins and leather wallets by hand using meaningful materials that are anything but industrial. How does Trunket's Bridle Card Wallet stack up to the Trunket reputation you ask? Jump past the break to find out!

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Trunket American Rosewood Wood iPhone 4 Skins

Trunket's American Rosewood wood skins for the iPhone 4 are one of the most amazing wood skins money can buy. These skins are like no other with an amazing distinctive look that screams uniqueness all around. Trunket's wood skins are hand crafted in the USA and are available in a wide range of beautiful colors for $34. Check out the full review right after the break.

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