Twelve South PlugBug USB Charger Adapter Review

Twelve South PlugBug USB Charger Adapter Review

Twelve South has got Mac users backs for years now with brilliant accessories that make everyday experiences even better. Today, we've got our hands on the PlugBug, the latest from Twelve South. If you own a MacBook, chances are that you also have an iPad, iPhone or iPod. And let's face it, all these gadgets are in deep in of their daily dose of tasty electricity. It's shiny red, small and when combined with your Mac's power adapter, the PlugBug adds a 10W USB charging port for your iOS devices to hook up to. Why didn't I think of that? Full review right after the break!

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iBattz Mojo Power Vault Battery Review

Does your iPhone battery constantly run dry? Do you have problems finding a place to charge your phone on the go? Do you need a iPad charger but you forgot your wall outlet? Fear not, the iBattz Mojo Power Vault is here to save you. This is iBattz's first personal USB portable charger that supplies you with two USB ports, one supplying 2.1A and the other 1.0A simultaneously. If your in the market for a larger, portable USB charger then the Mojo Power Vault is for you. Check out the rest of the review after the break!

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iHDD Portable Hard Drive Enclosure Review

It should come as no surprise that manufacturers out there looking to cash in on the Apple cash cow have trended towards developing products specifically made for Apple enthusiasts. Most products made for Mac involve silver or aluminum color schemes - rarely do they brandish some sort of Apple logo due to trademark and copyright infringement laws. However, peruse eBay and you will find some interesting little toys that slip under the radar - and mimic Apple made accessories down to the accessories included. Today we review two such items - the iHDD portable  hard drive enclosure. As far as we can tell there is no manufacturer that claims ownership of producing these items, but as items for Apple enthusiasts to use and show off to friends, these products are worth a look. Check them out after the break!

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Monster Outlets To Go 3

Monster's Outlets To Go 3 is made for those who travel and need some more power for all their gadgets. The Outlets To Go 3 has a simple and compact design that is perfect for portable use. You've got three A/C outlets that will fit those chunky three-prong plugs as well as two high-powered USB ports that are perfect for charging small gadgets without taking any A/C outlet space. Monster has thought about just about everything except for one detail, read more to find out! 

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Padacs Camera Connection Kit

Apple's camera connection kit was a very popular accessory upon release, and many retail stores were completely sold out of them for several months. It's no surprise that other companies starting releasing their own version of the camera connection kit, and today we take a look at Padacs' offering. Unlike Apple's two piece set, the Padacs kit is simply one unit, with both a USB port and SD card slot built into the simple connection kit.

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