Sony Unveils Their 4K OLED TV, Unfortunately A Prototype As Of Now

It's Sony's time to shine and they've got 4K OLED to show off at CES today. Back in 2007, Sony outed the first OLED TV that was a measly 11 inches that was met with lackluster enthusiasm from the crowd, as you can imagine. Bigger is always better, or so the saying goes. However now in 2013, they're back with a vengeance and have come out with something much bigger and more impressive.

It has been confirmed that a 56 inch 4K OLED TV prototype is in the works and has been revealed on the CES floor. As you can imagine, 4K displays has been a goal for many manufacturers and to say the least, the quality is stunning. The quality of the OLED display aims to show much crisper and "organic" color and picture and with the combination of 4K resolution, you might not ever take your eyes off it after the first look. Sadly, we have to keep in mind that this is still a prototype with no announcement on pricing or availability yet, but you can bet Sony's 4K resolution and OLED combo will cost a pretty penny. 
