Samsung Giveing Away Free Galaxy S to Unhappy iPhone 4 Customers


For, what seems to be the best PR move in history, Samsung UK has been pleasing frustrated iPhone customers by giving away a free Galaxy S to owners of the iPhone 4 who have had reception issues. How are they doing this? Well, through their twitter account of course. You do not need to give them anything, execpt for your address, and then they will send you out a free Galaxy S phone!

Official Statment from Samsung:

Recently there has been a real increase in online activity from consumers dissatisfied with some of our competitors' products. We decided to contact a cross section of individuals to offer them a free Samsung Galaxy S as a replacement, as we're confident that once people have the phone in their hands, they'll see how impressive it is for themselves.

It seems that Samsung have already given out quite a few of these Galaxy S devices. Sure beats a free bumper case.

My Twitter

Source Wired


iPhone 4 Bumper Giveaway Costing $175 million!


To sort out the antenna problem with the iPhone 4, Apple is giving away free bumpers to all iPhone 4 owners. But as they don't just appear out of thin air, Apple is going to set aside $175 million of iPhone 4 revenue in the September quarter, according to Apple's CFO Peter Oppenheimer during the Q3 earnings conference call. But as in the same conference call they reveiled that they earned over $15 billion, shelling out $175 million for iPhone cases, won't be too much of a catastrophe for Apple.

The $175 million might seem a huge amount for normal people like us, but compered the $1.5 billion Apple would have to pay for a full recall of the iPhone 4 as some industry analysts are predicting, giving away free cases is a much better option for Apple.

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Source Macworld


You Can Score Yourself A Free iPhone 4 Case


Yes you read correctly, wants to help you with your frustrations with your iPhone 4's signal issues by giving you a free silicone case. Now you might be thinking there is a catch right, yes there is and the catch is you just need to pay for shipping which is around $3. notes that you should only order one free case and the colors available are black, purple, rose, blue and white. You might be asking yourself why are they doing this? Well, for publicity. So hit up the source link below to get yours now!

Source Cases


Nir Schneider
