Tweetbot For Mac Now Available As Free Download

Tweetbot, one of the more anticipated Twitter clients sees progress as the app is now available as a public alpha release for the Mac. The 0.6 desktop version of the Tweetbot app carries with it the familiar iOS feel and design and can be downloaded for free right now, though it comes with the usual bugs and kinks as the developers further tweak and fix all of the issues for a beta release followed by a final release which will come at a cost. Despite this being an alpha version, Tweetbot for the Mac works very well and might even be good enough at this state to relieve some of your existing Twitter desktop clients. What are you waiting for, go and try it yourself!


Nir Schneider


No More Third Party Twitter Apps?


If you're a die-hard fan of third party twitter clients such as Twitterrific or Tweetbot, you may have also heard the latest speculation that has been going around with what may put an end to these tweeting powerhouses. Developers were warned last March to discontinue production on third party clients but obviously, nothing has prevented them from doing so... until now. Leaked pictures and rumors are pointing to a single offical Twitter app that will create a universal and consistent experience for users. 

It appears that Twitter may be striving for what Facebook has accomplished with their advertising; they want to expand largely on their advertising capabilities and revenue. By having complete control over all Twitter users and none of the "Mute" functions that Tweetbot offers, we will no longer be able to pick and choose what we wish to see on our timeline. By imposing stricter API guidelines, Twitter will be able to take control of the entire system with its own client and cut out the third party developers. 

With the help of third party developers, Twitter has become a major part of our communication infrastructure, and by taking away the freedom to use Twitter's API, developers feel betrayed. Watch out for much more drama to come if these are indeed Twitter's future plans. 


TweetBot Is Coming To Mac?

Anyone who relies heavily on Twitter knows that Tapbot's Twitter client, Tweetbot, is a phenomenal app that leaves the original Twitter app in its dust. After experiencing Tweetbot for iOS, many of us have hoped for the same experience on our Mac. 

Tapbot developer Paul Haddad had multiple tweets lately coming from a possible test client of Tweetbot for Mac. While a public beta has yet to be released, this is still exciting news for all us Twitter fans who are looking for a great Twitter client to replace the clunky client on the Mac App Store. 


Samsung Giveing Away Free Galaxy S to Unhappy iPhone 4 Customers


For, what seems to be the best PR move in history, Samsung UK has been pleasing frustrated iPhone customers by giving away a free Galaxy S to owners of the iPhone 4 who have had reception issues. How are they doing this? Well, through their twitter account of course. You do not need to give them anything, execpt for your address, and then they will send you out a free Galaxy S phone!

Official Statment from Samsung:

Recently there has been a real increase in online activity from consumers dissatisfied with some of our competitors' products. We decided to contact a cross section of individuals to offer them a free Samsung Galaxy S as a replacement, as we're confident that once people have the phone in their hands, they'll see how impressive it is for themselves.

It seems that Samsung have already given out quite a few of these Galaxy S devices. Sure beats a free bumper case.

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Source Wired
