Wrapsol Original Front + Back Matte Protective Skin for iPad 2
/All you new iPad 2 owners must be going crazy over the Smart Cover ordeal leaving your iPad 2's beautiful aluminum back prone to scratches. Worry no more, Wrapsol is a clear protective film that uses a wet installation process like many other similar clear films. Ever since I reviewed Wrapsol's matte back protective film for the first gen iPad and iPhone 3GS, I got hooked on the look. What's special about Wrapsol's skins is that they have a matte texture to them so they match very well with Apple's aluminum gadgets. This time we're going to take a look at the Wrapsol Original Front + Back protective films for the iPad 2. Catch the full review after the jump.
One of the main reasons why you would use a skin like Wrapsol for the back side of your iPad 2 is the natural matte finish that is kept, leaving you with an almost identical naked aluminum finished look. That alone is an impressive look. The iPad 2 is such a thin tablet that you probably don't want to bulk it up with cases hence using an alternative mean of protection against scratches. The Wrapsol Original Front + Back kit comes with a front clear screen protector and a back matte film, both require a wet installation. Wrapsol also offers a dry front and wet back kit for the iPad 2.
It was a fairly easy process installing the back part on the iPad 2 and the result was near perfect. I had no air bubbles or pockets underneath the film. The iPad 2's curves are a big challenge for back skins like the Wrapsol so in order to easily get past these steep corners, the Wrapsol back has slits in order to conform with ease. No need to hold down the corners when installing. It was a breeze getting that back part on the iPad 2, though it did require a bit of realigning and using the supplied rubber squeegee to push out air bubbles.
All of the cutouts are cut perfectly to fit the iPad 2. You just need to take you time and perfectly align them yourself when installing.
The end result is pretty much wonderful. The matte texture looks great on the back of the iPad 2's aluminum. Not only does the matte texture keep the iPad 2's original good looks, it adds quite a bit of grip which is a much needed add-on. Scratch protection is now covered. You can use your iPad 2 with a Smart Cover to their full potential without having to worry about scratches from any surface or even the Smart Cover's aluminum hinge attaching and detaching from your iPad 2.
I haven't had much luck with the front part of the wet installation process using the Wrapsol Original Front + Back kit. As you can see here, there are many tiny air bubbles and air pockets left after 24 hours. I tried my best eliminating any air bubbles while installing and I even re-applied the film a few times to no avail. You may have a better time doing this. I would strongly suggest against wet front screen installations. You're much better off using Wrapsols fry screen film instead. If things went as planned, the Wrapsol wet front film feels smooth to the touch, however your chances of ruining the wet installation process is probably big and you will end up with a very ugly looking screen. As for scratch protection, the Wrapsol are one of the best forms of scratch protection while at the same time, keep your aluminum iDevice looking as natural as possible with added grip. Price $39.95.
Update: After a few days of use with the front film protection, almost all of the air bubbles and micro air bubbles have completely disappeared. I would still recommend not going with the wet instillation for the front screen if you want the optimal clarity.