Element Case Ion 5 Case for iPhone 5 Review

Continuing Element Case's Composite line and the renowned Ion legacy, the Ion 5 is the company's much improved third iPhone case iteration made for the iPhone 5. The $50 Ion 5 is Element Case's most affordable iPhone 5 case yet. All while retaining a high level of extreme design and functionality you'd come to expect from EC. With a real aerospace-grade matte carbon back integration, the Ion 5 is every carbon fiber-fanatic's dream iPhone 5 case.

TPU-style cases are a dime a dozen no matter what type of device you have. And why wouldn't they be when they're the most popular type of case around? We've seen our fair share of TPU cases to last us a lifetime, and then some. But what we haven't seen much of is really outstanding TPU cases that are in a league of their own. You know a TPU case is destined for greatness when Element Case is involved in the making. The Ion 5 is in a class of its own.

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Incipio Flagship Folio Case for iPad 3rd Gen Review

As amazing of a device as the iPad is, I feel its usefulness is somewhat lacking without a good case.  With a bare iPad, there’s no way to tilt it on a desktop to type/view photos/videos, and an iPad without a case is a delicate device, with its shiny glass and aluminum surfaces exposed. Fortunately, not too long after the launch of the most recent 3rd generation iPad, Incipio already had cases shipping for the new Apple device. Today we are taking a look at their latest and greatest offering for the new iPad, the Incipio Flagship Folio. Head past the break for more!

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Phiaton MS 400 Moderna Series Headphones Review

In a sea of headphones of all sorts and prices, the Phiaton MS 400 headphones while having been around for a while now, stand out from the crowd in more ways than one. I've had the pleasure to test quite a few headphones for a while now and when I first found out about Phiaton's MS 400 headphones I immediately got attracted. There's no denying the good looks these sport. Part of Phiaton's Moderna Series, the MS 400 headphones look like the pair of headphones you would get when you purchase a Ferrari. Distinctive red leather and real carbon fiber are mixed into making the MS 400 headphones and the result is one stunning pair of headphones. While the not so stunning price of $249 might seem too steep, yet it may actually be worth it this time. The full review is after the break. You won't want to miss it.

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MonCarbone Magnet Force & Portfolio iPhone 4 & iPad Carbon Fiber Cases

Our friends over at monCarbone have hooked us up with their newly released real carbon fiber cases for the iPhone 4 and iPad. The Magnet Force is monCarbone's updated version of the HoverCoat case for the iPhone 4 which we reviewed last year and it rocked my socks off. This time, the Magnet Force is what its name suggests, a magnetic carbon fiber case. monCarbone's Portfolio case for the iPad also bares a very similar form factor of the HoverCoat case for the iPad which we also reviewed last year, and it too got a spec bump. I've had some gripes about the glossy finishes on the HoverCoat cases and I hoped monCarbone fixed that issue when they release new cases. Check out the full review after the break to find out if monCarbone fixed all the kinks.

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The Lucky Labs Teksure Skins for iPad & MacBook Pro

When it comes down to carbon fiber skins, The Lucky Labs' Teksure skins are the ones you want to look out for. Before you start to think that these are actually real carbon fiber skins, they are not. The Teksure skins do look really awesome on the back of the iPad or anything else for that matter. Carbon fiber skins are gaining popularity fast with many companies out there that have their own version of the expensive and very lightweight weaved fiber fabric. We've got a full review for you right after the break.

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Kinetic Aluminum iPhone 4 Case

Kinetic Case are a fairly new case company who make american made CNC machined aluminum cases for the iPhone 4. The Kinetic case is one of the roundest aluminum cases I've seen for the iPhone 4 but has it's own style of making business with it's acrylic back plate and optional real carbon fiber back plate. The Kinetic does have a bumper style to it but unlike many other aluminum bumper cases for the iPhone 4, the Kinetic offers a little more back protection with it's back plates. Catch the full review after the cut.

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