Skype iOS4 Update


Skype has just released an update for it's iPhone app and it now supports multitasking! We saw this app demoed at the iOS4 announcement in April, but this is this the first time it has been released to the masses. 

Press Release

Run Skype in the background with multitasking in iOS4. Receive Skype calls and IM while other apps are running or when your iPhone is locked.You can also continue your call while you switch to another application.

No video calling in this update. Maybe next time...

Skype (iTunes Link)

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Skype 2.0 Calling Charges on iPhone Put of to 2011

The reaction for most people when skype said that calling on was free over 3G was "YAY!!!," but then our dreams were crushed when they said "only till august,"sadface :( However Skype have now said that they are now putting of the charges until 2011. Which is good news for everybody! But whenever 2011 comes around you will have to start paying for it, but we still don't know how much it is going to cost...