Estylo Magnetic Wooden Stylus For The Artist In You

Having seen our fair share of styluses of many different shapes and sizes, this one is yet another uniquely shaped stylus made for capacitive touchscreen devices with a greener and echo friendly approach. While other styluses only want to be made out of cold aluminum, the Estylo is made out of wood and even claims to be the first and only stylus that is made from wood. It was mainly designed for artists who use tablets like the iPad, but pencil lovers will also come to appreciate the Estylo's wooden pencil-like characteristics. Much like the Stylo, the Estylo features a highly conductive dual-tip design that will let you achieve between 5 to 70 degree angles without having to put any pressure down on your screen. Unfortunately, it isn't clear out of what material the tip is made out of.

The Estylo comes in 8 colors with embedded magnets that let you cling it to your iPad 2's bezel or Smart Cover. You can pre-order the non-magnetic Estylo for only $8 while the more colorful magnetic Estylo models can be had for $13. Video after the break.

Thanks for the tip, Fernando!



Nir Schneider
