iPhone 5 Physical Mockup Is Beautiful

The alleged iPhone 5 is starting to take shape after case leaks suggested a redesigned body with iPad 2-like characteristics. Until now we've seen countless renders of how the iPhone 5 will supposedly look like, but now an actual physical mockup of an iPhone 5 was made based on recent case leaks and hardware components. 

Based on CAD designs, hardware components, several leaked hints, cases and recent, believable mockups we created a three-dimensional computer model. This virtual model was then used to build a very detailed, true prototype that you can hold in your own two hands. 

The process to create this prototype is the same that’s used to create the iPad. The back was machined from a sold block of aluminium, which was later treated with glass pearls to get the same slightly rough touch that we already know from the iPad.

iPhone 5 mockup on the right

We've seen exact physical mockups of the iPad 2 week before it was released that have proven to be on point thanks to various case leaks of the iPad 2. This iPhone 5 mockup could really be what Apple has up its sleeve for when it will announce the next new iPhone on October 4.


Nir Schneider
