USB Film Rolls Should Be Your Only Photo Storage

What will they think of next? These USB Film Rolls looks just like the real thing. Oh that's because they are in fact real film rolls that got recycled up and were packed with a 4GB memory chip that can store up to a thousand of your pictures. Possibly the best part about these recycled USB Film Rolls is that you can never know which branded film roll you will get if you purchase one. You'll just have to wait to find out. How exciting! $20 will get you one of these awesome USB Film Rolls. I hope they still smell of that addicting film smell.


Nir Schneider


An iPhone 4 Short Film

This Short film was entirely shot and edited right on the iPhone 4 using the new iMovie App for iPhone. It really is incredible and it took the makers behind this short film 48 hours to complete. Of course in order to get very stable results, the short film makers used custom camera dollies with the iPhone 4 mounted on. This short film really shows the full potential of the iPhone 4's HD camera. Note: To view this in HD, click the source link below.

Source Michael Koerbel


Nir Schneider
