Apple's Black Friday Sale Goes Live (Internationally)


From Australia Apple Store

Apple's one day Black Friday sale goes live in Australia with sales very similar to the ones proposed by 9to5mac yesterday.

Also, App Store developers have continued their tradition of putting apps on sale during the holidays. Appshopper makes it easy to track these sales for apps on both the iOS and Mac App Store. 


Minecraft App Now Available For All iOS Devices

We just thought we should let you know that Mincecraft is now officially available for iOS device for $6.99. The app is called Minecraft Pocket Edition and it's finally available to waste your time where ever you go in a pixelated fashion. It looks like it's a big hit in the App Store right now with over 400 positive ratings and counting. You can thank us later!


Nir Schneider


Zentertain's iOS App Lets You Download Free Music Legally & Illegally

There's nothing wrong with downloading free music legally right? An app made by Zentertain called "Free Music Download" has been approved by Apple and is now the number one downloaded free app in the App Store. Free Music Download app suggests you can download free music legally with pre-set sites that offer free legal music downloads for your choosing. The problem is, there's also a browser built into the app that will let you browse Google and other sites that don't offer legal music downloads. The app lets you download anything and everything your heart desires. Legal or not. Problem? Definitely. No attempts were made by the app creators to block such simple access by anyone who wants to download music illegally.


Nir Schneider


Apple Mac OS X Lion Available Now In The App Store


For those of you who have been eagerly waiting the arrival of Apple’s new Mac OS, your in for a treat. OS X Lion is now available in the App Store (only) for those who are running Core 2 Duo, i3, i5, or i7 processors. Lion costs $29.99 and $49.99 if you want to share with others. OS X Lion brings a number of new features to the Mac, including but not limited to an iOS-like application launch screen known as Launchpad, full-screen apps, a new combined interface for Dashboard, Expose, and Spaces known as Mission Control, enhanced Multi-Touch gestures, and improvements to to several core applications including Mail.


Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5, Compressor 4 Now Available


This morning, June 21, 2011 Apply announced that Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5 and Compressor 4 are available on the Mac App Store. Final Cut Pro X has been rewritten from the ground up, with a whole new UI, background rendering, and just a ton of more features. Final Cut Pro X is available now for $299.99, while Motion 5 and Compressor 4 are available today for $49.99 each. Get it while it’s HOT!


iCloud Services Have Begun Automatically On iOS Devices

Apple has partially switched on the iCloud switch starting with the App Store on all iOS devices. You can know familiarise yourself with the new features Apple has added by going to your "Updates" section in the App Store which adds a new "Purchased" tab, revealing a history of all the apps you've downloaded with your account thus far. Apps with the iCloud icon are presently not installed on your device. You can choose to install any of the apps you previously purchased or got for free and re-download them again for free. If you're not seeing the new changes, fully close your App Store and re-open it to see the new changes. 


Nir Schneider


10 New Features in Mac OS X Lion

Along with Mac OSX Lion, over 250 new features will be available in the new OS. Apple showed 10 main new features of Lion: multi-touch gestures, full-screen apps, mission control (unifies Expose and Spaces), iOS type Launchpad, system wide resume feature, Airdrop (peer to peer file-sharing), and a brand new version of Mail. These are just some of the main features Apple showed, but I am sure there will be more. We will go into more depth once Lion is released.
