Google’s Location-Discovery App “Field Trip” Arrives On The App Store

Long an Android only app, Google’s Field Trip finally arrives on the App Store today. The app works by silently running in the background all while finding interesting and unique things around you. When it finds something, it will alert you about it and bring up relevant information regarding the find via a digital card. If you’re a bluetooth headset user no worries, the app will read the information to you wirelessly. What makes Google’s Field Trip app work so well is that it aggregates information from a variety of sources like Arcadia and Historvius for local history and Thrillist, Zagat, and Eater for some of the best places to eat and drink. In addition to history and restaurants, it also aggregates information to you for unique stores and little hidden gems near your location. One of the more unique features is that it can sense when you are driving and can “talk” you through some of the nearby interesting places almost like a virtual tour guide. The app is free and is available on Apple’s App Store now.


Kickstarter Launches iPhone App

As a creative outlet for people to help fund and follow new projects, Kickstarter has finally released a full featured iPhone App. As soon as you open it, you are presented with three options in Discover, Activity, and Profile. Discover lets you find new projects using a variety of search functions including: Staff Picks, Popular, and by category. If you like something you see, clicking on the project will show you a description, video, and pledge information. Activity will allow you to track the projects you have backed and inform you of updates to them. The Profile tab will allow you see the projects you have you backed, past and present, and allow you to make changes to your profile. Overall, the app is simple and streamlined yet full featured enough to allow you to use it without having to sacrifice any facet of the website. Kickstarer for iPhone is free now on the App Store.


Highly Anticipated Email Management App, Mailbox, Arrives In The App Store

Email is an old medium that Orchestra has decided to overhaul in their new iPhone App, Mailbox. Using intuitive hand gestures, you can quickly go through your email by just swiping across the screen. A quick swipe to the right archives your message while a longer slide deletes your message. Scan an email chain quickly with a conversation like view or snooze an email with a tap of a button. The snooze feature allows you to take care of an email at a later time with options for later that day, tomorrow, or even the weekend. When you have checked all your email for the time being, it will leave your screen empty, creaing a clean and zero inbox. Due to the high demand however, there is currently a reservation system in place which queues you behind other users who have requested an invite. The app is available now on the App Store for free.


Next Issue Offers Unlimited Magazine Access

At last, something that every avid magazine reader has been waiting for. Next Issue has brought their Android exclusive magazine app to the iPad. Now, you can have all of your favorite magazines all in one app, without having to hassle with multiple applications. Not only are they all in one place, you can add however many publications as you please, hence the "unlimited access". Simply put, this is the Netflix of magazines. You pay one low price a month and it's all you can read. 

As of right now, Next Issue will provide access to the most popular publications with higher readerships, such as Esquire, GQ, Vanity Fair and etc. At $9.99, you will get access to the majority of magazines with monthly issues while $14.99 will get you truely unlimited access to both monthly and weekly publications such as Sports Illustrated and Time. Head on over to the App Store and check it out. If it sounds too good to be true, Next Issue is offering a 30 day trial for you to see for yourself. 


Apple's Black Friday Sale Goes Live (Internationally)


From Australia Apple Store

Apple's one day Black Friday sale goes live in Australia with sales very similar to the ones proposed by 9to5mac yesterday.

Also, App Store developers have continued their tradition of putting apps on sale during the holidays. Appshopper makes it easy to track these sales for apps on both the iOS and Mac App Store. 


Minecraft App Now Available For All iOS Devices

We just thought we should let you know that Mincecraft is now officially available for iOS device for $6.99. The app is called Minecraft Pocket Edition and it's finally available to waste your time where ever you go in a pixelated fashion. It looks like it's a big hit in the App Store right now with over 400 positive ratings and counting. You can thank us later!


Nir Schneider


Zentertain's iOS App Lets You Download Free Music Legally & Illegally

There's nothing wrong with downloading free music legally right? An app made by Zentertain called "Free Music Download" has been approved by Apple and is now the number one downloaded free app in the App Store. Free Music Download app suggests you can download free music legally with pre-set sites that offer free legal music downloads for your choosing. The problem is, there's also a browser built into the app that will let you browse Google and other sites that don't offer legal music downloads. The app lets you download anything and everything your heart desires. Legal or not. Problem? Definitely. No attempts were made by the app creators to block such simple access by anyone who wants to download music illegally.


Nir Schneider
