LunaTik Touch Pen, A Hybrid Pen Stylus You'll Always Use

We've seen styluses being reengineering time and time again with no end in sight. LunaTik, the same guys behind the successful Kickstarter project that has changed the way people wear the iPod Nano as an iWatch, have recently starter a new Kickstarter project under the LunaTik name for a stylus. This time a stylus that serves a multiple purpose. The LunaTik Alloy Touch Pen is of course going to be made out of aircraft grade aluminum along with a die cast clip that is hard coated with PVD plating, high-grade silicone rubber finger grip surface and a unique dual mode tip that is the sole reason why LunaTik's Touch Pen project has already surpassed the initial funding goal within a few days.

Not just another dual rubber tip though, the Touch Pen's dual tip allows you to use any touchscreen device as well as write on paper with a single click as you normally would with any ball point pen. The best of both worlds in one pen. That trumps all other styluses with versatility and eliminating the need of owning separate tools. In the meantime, you'll be able to grab the Alloy Touch Pen in a silver anodized aluminum body configuration for $30, while the all-plastic version of the Touch Pen will run you $30 for a two pack. Video after the jump!

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