Pod à Porter Sporty Neckband Cradles Your iPod Shuffle

One of the more neglected Apple iPod is the 4th gen iPod Shuffle. There are very few accessories for it and while it's one of the perfect gym and running music player buddy, very few companies have invested in creating accessories for the tiny player. If the 4th gen iPod Shuffle is your daily music player, you might be interested in checking out the Pod à Porter. It lets you wear your Shuffle around you neck like a necklace without getting your earphone cables tangled. The Pod à Porter is made using a 3D printing technology that allows the creation of very complex shapes such as the Pod à Porter. 

Your iPod Shuffle is incased inside the Pod à Porter neckband while leaving all the original controls easily accessible. This seems like the perfect accessory if you're a runner or an active person that exercises. You don't need to worry about your earphones dropping, this little flexible neckband has got you covered. You can grab yours in 4 different colors for $29.50 or € 20.86.


Nir Schneider


Apple Reveals New iPod Nanos and Shuffles


At the Apple Music Keynote today in San Francisco, Steve Jobs took the stage to announced the holiday line up of iPods. So any way lets get into it.


The iPod Shuffle was first to receive an update. The iPod shuffle has been a strange device. Many say it is pointless because of the lack of a screen, while others say (mainly people who exercise) say it is an essential part of the iPod line up. This year it got back the buttons but also has the same voice features of last years buttonless model. Not much else to say except it has a clip so you can clip it on clothes, it comes in 5 colours and it has 2GB of storage, all for $49. 


Next, iPod Nano. Earlier this year, we saw a very small touchscreen leaked out into the world with apparently Apple branding all over it. Well it seems like this one has come true. The new nano has ditched the click wheel for a touch screen, a very small touch screen at that, but it is still a touch screen and seems to have some sort of version of iOS running on it. All the usual stuff is on there in the form of icons on different screens and yes you can make it do the jiggly dance so you can move the icons around. Reports from places like Engadget are saying that the touchscreen is very responsive and great to look at. Also, seeing as it has a clock app, if you strap it to a wrist strap, you can turn it into an iWatch! And that is the only reason I'm getting one.
