Firetext Smoke Alarm Notifies You When Your House Sets On Fire

I've always wondered what I would do if my house suddenly went up in flames while I was away. I would have never known that my beloved gadgets were being barbecued to a fine crisp until I got back home. This has been one of the biggest concerns I've had while I was away. Luckily, this gadget is here to save all its friends and of course, your lovely home too. The Firetext is just like any other battery powered smoke detector/alarm, but with one big difference. It will send you a text message to up to 4 numbers at a time once it detects smoke. You can even customize the text message to say something like - "Dude, your gadgets are about to get fried!".

The Firetext Smoke Alarm runs for £89.99, and you'll need an active serviced SIM card to get this to work though. Keeping your home safe while you're away might cost you a little more, it sure does beat potentially losing your collection of gadgets.


Nir Schneider


Mutewatch Is Every Geek's Dream Watch

I said it time and time again, I love Swedish companies. There is something so innovative about every single product coming out of Sweden it's just unbelievable. The Swedish watch brand, Mutewatch, has created the most amazing touch screen watch you've ever seen. It's the geekiest watch ever made. Forget the iWatch iPod nano 6G basicness, the Mutewatch come to us straight from the future and features a vibration alarm clock that will vibrate depending on your preference without making a noise and alarming others. Brilliant isn't it? That's not all, the Mutewatch is designed to display the capacitive touch screen display when you touch the flat surface which then lights up the glowing touch screen that displays the time to you using a white LED surface. To change and set up an alarm or the time itself, you simply swipe, pinch and tap. 

The Mutewatch also has a built-in motion sensor that will turn on the glowing display with just a flick of the wrist and it will also sense your sleeping so that it can increase the level of vibration if you set an alarm. The Mutewatch is available to order right now in white, red and gray for $249, and it will start shipping in July. Check out the video after the break.

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